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There are some limited options to theming Storybook. But while this might seem like a small thing, it can really help make your Storybook feel like home.

To learn more about theming in Storybook, have a look at their dedicated docs for that.

Usage with kickstartDS

You already have a well established Design Token set when working with a Design System based on kickstartDS. In our mission to always provide sensible defaults, that improve your status quo without a big upfront investment of time, we provide a transformer in our Style Dictionary implementation (it's the tool backing your Design Token set). That transformer takes your Design Token set and converts it to JavaScript values that can be imported in Storybooks theme file (.storybook/themes.js).

As this is a generated file, based on your configuration, it's content will vary, but it should a little like this:


import { create } from '@storybook/theming';
import * as tokens from '../src/token/storybook/tokens';
export const light = create({
base: 'light',
colorPrimary: tokens.KsColorPrimaryBase,
colorSecondary: tokens.KsColorPrimaryBase,
// UI
appBg: tokens.KsColorPrimaryToBg9Base,
appContentBg: tokens.KsBackgroundColorDefaultBase,
appBorderColor: tokens.KsColorPrimaryAlpha2Base,
appBorderRadius: tokens.KsBorderRadiusCard,
// Typography
fontBase: tokens.KsFontFamilyInterface,
fontCode: tokens.KsFontFamilyMono,
// Text colors
textColor: tokens.KsTextColorDefaultBase,
textInverseColor: tokens.KsTextColorDefaultInvertedBase,
// Toolbar default and active colors
barTextColor: tokens.KsColorPrimaryAlpha6Base,
barSelectedColor: tokens.KsColorPrimaryBase,
barBg: tokens.KsBackgroundColorDefaultBase,
// Form colors
inputBg: tokens.KsBackgroundColorInterfaceInteractiveBase,
inputBorder: tokens.KsColorFgToBg7Base,
inputTextColor: tokens.KsTextColorInterfaceInteractiveBase,
inputBorderRadius: tokens.KsBorderRadiusControl,
brandTitle: 'Your kickstartDS Storybook',
brandUrl: '',
brandImage: '/logo.svg',

This automatically connects your Design Token set to your Storybook theme, while also setting your logo.


Have a look at our very own kickstartDS instance to see our colors (as an example) at work:

Image showing our corporate branding used to theme Storybook

To learn how to use this in your own Storybook, have a look at part three of our "Create your Design System" guide for an in-depth explanation.